01 February, 2020
169 Flanders Rd, Westborough, MA 01581
Badminton Live Results
NEMA Badminton Tournament (2020)
Welcome to the NEMA Badminton tournament 2020! With the tremendous success we have had last year with the new format, we shall continue to have the House Format for this year’s tournament too. All registered teams will be part of one of four houses. Each house has separate divisions for Women’s doubles, Men’s/Open doubles, and Youth Singles. The divisional teams will play against the other respective house divisional teams. Every team/youth gets an opportunity to play a minimum of five matches. The house with most points wins the tournament and will be the first winner of the new rolling trophy for the winning house! In addition, there will be trophies for the top three performing teams in each division. All youth participants shall receive a participation medal.
Boston Badminton, 169 Flanders Rd, Westborough, MA 01581
Day 1: Jan 25, 2020 ( Full Day)
Day 2: Feb 1, 2020 (Afternoon)
Snow Days: Jan 26, Feb 2, 2020
Participant Criteria:
Tournament Format (House):
Sports Committee will group all the registered doubles teams and youth singles into four balanced houses.
There will be a House Captain and Vice Captain for each house to coordinate, guide you with schedules and provide any advice.
Matches will be played across 2 days - January 25th and February 1st 2020
Most players will be required to play on both days.
Each team will play against their corresponding teams (same division) from the other houses.
A minimum of 5 matches will be played by each team/individual.
House Divisions:
Each house is divided into A, B, C, D, E, F divisions as below. Men’s/Open team assignment to Divisions B, C, or D will be based on past NEMA and other regional tournament performances.
Division A: Women’s Doubles team
Division B: Men’s/Open Doubles team
Division C: Men’s/Open Doubles team
Division D: Men’s/Open Doubles team
Division E: Youth Singles
Division F: Youth Singles
Point System:
House Winners:
The House with the most points wins the tournament. If two or more houses have identical points, the winner is decided by applying the following rules in order:
Divisional Winners:
To recognize the top three teams in each division is based on the number of matches won in the division. The pair/player with the most number of wins/points within their division is selected as the Division winner. A 2nd and 3rd place winner will also be selected . If two or more pairs/players have identical points, the winner is decided by applying the following rules in order:
Match Rules:
Facility Requirements:
Badminton or indoor court shoes are required on the badminton courts. No black soles or street shoes are allowed.
Aeroplane Black label brand of birdies shall be used for this years tournament
* Five matches for a team based on the assumption that required number of teams registered for the tournament.
* The number of divisions is based on the assumption that required number of teams registered for the tournament.
* Please contact sportsregistration@nemausa.org for any enquiries.