09 September, 2017
11 AM Onwards
North Andover High School, 430 Osgood Street, North Andover,MA
Ticket prices valid till Sept 6th. Get your tickets early!!!
If you have a mega thiruvathira participant in the family, please specify their name when buying tickets.
Discount pricing closes on Sept 6th Midnight
Prices will go up by $10 for a family and $5 for Single/Grand parent tickets after this date.
Schedule for the day
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM : Sadya. Color coded tickets handed out on a first come first serve basis to avoid waiting in line.
2:30 PM : Mega thiruvathira & Maveli Procession
3:00 PM : Cultural programs followed by celebrity show
Grand Ona Sadya, Mega thiruvathira, Star Show and Cultural Programs by award winning groups etc. !